[or to put it more succinctly, it gets more and more difficult, as a matter of principle, to believe in the relatedness of what you see and hear, much less in consequences. the name, the face, the name of the song, the sound of the song, the effect of the song upon you, the memory of the song... these are all different. not related. you think you have something to go on, something to hang on to, but it's not there. whatever there was in the past that let such different things seem to form a pattern, if we were to be generous or sentimental and assume that such a past actually was, is gone, and with it all the reasons and excuses that the pattern taught us. i mean unless you know john lennon personally, it's all a joke. the prospect of what will happen when people as a body start getting bored with the joke scares me.] it won't be safe to give a concert. (HB). [it will be like being thrown to the lions, and it's in the air already.] (CL)
- Harold Borkin
- Cynthia Liddell